Halloween Latin Root Word Activity

greek and latin roots

Instructional time is so limited.  It’s difficult for teachers to justify spending any time on fun holiday activities in the classroom, especially if you teach in upper elementary or middle school.  If you want to do something engaging with your students this Halloween, but don’t have time for “fluff,” then check out this Interactive Notebook page based on the Latin root “mort.”  I promise, your students will LOVE it, and they won’t even realize that they are doing some serious “word work.”  Fun + Academic = A Teaching Gem!!!

All of the components of this INB page fit on two sheets of paper.  Have the students color and cut out the pieces. They will then provide definitions and/or sentences for the five vocabulary words (morbid, mortuary, moribund, mortgage, etc.) that are related to the Latin root “mort” (which means death).

The largest piece is glued down first.

The remaining pieces have tabs on them that will be folded up and glued down, one on top of the other (from the largest to the smallest).

The final page will look like this.  A label is included to glue on to the top of the page.  There are 3 flaps that can be lifted to reveal the students’ work for each word.

You can download this INB activity for FREE here!

