Tangram Fraction Task Cards!
Foster a concrete understanding of fractions with this engaging, hands-on resource that your students will LOVE! There are 36 different cards in this set, and each one presents a unique, non-routine task. Your students will utilize critical thinking and problem solving skills, all while developing a deep and solid grasp of fractions. Step away from the algorithms and rules and engage students in a valuable and meaningful way!
* 4-inch Tangram sets that are ready to print are also included in black and while, as well as various colors.
BYOB! Build Your Own Bundle
This resource is eligible for a BYOB discount! When you purchase 10 or more eligible resources, the price of each set drops from $7 to $5. This discount applies to this resource, digital math tiles, printable math tiles, or any combination of all three. When you qualify for BYOB, the discount will appear in your cart.
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Please read: This is a nonrefundable digital download. Please read the description carefully and examine the preview file before purchasing.
© Copyright 2018 M. Tallman. All rights reserved. Permission is granted to copy pages specifically designed for student or teacher use by the original purchaser or licensee. This is intended to be used by one teacher unless additional licenses have been purchased. The reproduction of any other part of this product is strictly prohibited. Copying any part of this product and placing it on the Internet in any form (even a personal/classroom website) is strictly forbidden. Doing so makes it possible for an Internet search to make the document available on the Internet, free of charge, and is a violation of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA).
- Total Pages 33
- Answer Key Included
- Teaching Duration 4 Weeks
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