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FREE Depth and Complexity Icon Posters

If you are using any of my Depth and Complexity resources, you are going to love the FREE posters I have designed for your classroom. These visual aids are effective mnemonic devices…

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Word Analogies Mini-Book

Using word analogies with your students is one of the most effective ways build vocabulary and critical thinking skills. Analogies force students to examine the relationships between words, and in…

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Using word analogies with your students is one of the most effective ways build vocabulary and critical thinking skills. Analogies force students to examine the relationships between words, and in…

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The Benefits of Daily Spiral Review

    I can vividly remember the spring of my first year teaching.  A very well-intended colleague put a stack of review packets into my mailbox since testing season was…

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Depth and Complexity

Do you teach with Depth and Complexity? As teachers, one of our most important goals is to teach our students to think critically.  This life-long skill really transcends all programs, standards, and curriculums.…

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Do you teach with Depth and Complexity? As teachers, one of our most important goals is to teach our students to think critically.  This life-long skill really transcends all programs, standards, and curriculums.…

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Hands-on Activities for Teaching Fractions

Don't underestimate the power of hands-on fractions! When it comes to teaching a true understanding of fractions, concrete models are key.  Students really need to "interact" with a variety of…

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Math Tiles: My Favorite Math Activity!

When I think of all of the teaching "tools" that I have used over the years, one always stands out as my favorite, especially in the area of math --…

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When I think of all of the teaching "tools" that I have used over the years, one always stands out as my favorite, especially in the area of math --…

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