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Hands-on Activities for Teaching Place Value

Place value is one of the foundations of math, so it makes sense that when our students don't understand it at a conceptual level, they struggle when learning new concepts (e.g.…

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Reteaching and Reviewing Parts of Speech

Help! My students don't remember the parts of speech! Yep, we've all been there. You start a grammar lesson, only to realize that your students don't remember the basics. It's…

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Help! My students don't remember the parts of speech! Yep, we've all been there. You start a grammar lesson, only to realize that your students don't remember the basics. It's…

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Build Vocabulary with Word Analogies

When it comes to vocabulary, word analogies are vocabulary gold! These "little" word puzzles present learning opportunities that go beyond other types of word work. Word analogies are not only…

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Reading Activities for Gardner’s Multiple Intelligences

Howard Gardner expanded our understanding of intelligence by arguing that the focus should not be on how smart a person is, but rather, how a person is smart. The theory…

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Howard Gardner expanded our understanding of intelligence by arguing that the focus should not be on how smart a person is, but rather, how a person is smart. The theory…

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A Simple Way to Teach Classroom Procedures and Expectations

Do you feel like a "talking head" during the first couple days of school? We know that explicitly teaching classroom procedures and expectations is a MUST for the beginning of…

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Teachers, You Must Send This Letter Home on the First Day of School!

I wish I could take credit for this teaching gem that I am about to share with you. My sister (who started teaching five years before I did) shared this letter…

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I wish I could take credit for this teaching gem that I am about to share with you. My sister (who started teaching five years before I did) shared this letter…

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